Merging Eastern Cultures to Complete the Missing Puzzle of DAO Socialware

Project Abstract

Missing Puzzle for DAO

Missing Puzzle for DAO


[Past] Exploring the origins of the significance of socialware in the East [Current] Comparative Interview Study of Eastern and Western Communities [Future] Suggestions for the development of DAO Socialware
Hypothesis Drawing on the relational ideas of Eastern philosophy, we can find a narrative of socialware missing from DAOs.

| Significant differences will exist in how communities work in the East and West, depending on their cultural context. Understanding these differences and applying them to DAOs in a complementary way can help solve the problems of DAOs. | In addition to Trustware, DAOs must evolve to include governance and tooling attempts for Socialware to foster community relationships. | | Key Questions | What are the main Eastern thinkers and discourses? What is the historical/cultural context of their ideas? | How do communities in the West behave compared to the East or as a comparison group? | What are the components of DAO socialware, and what are the key features of each? | | Research Area | Historical and cultural origins of Confucian and Buddhist thought • Exploring the archetypes of DAOs, the social pods to exchange labor and caregiving in history such as Dure, Pumasi, Hyangyak, Gye etc. • How does relationalism relate to organizational commitment and engagement? | •Political/Decentralized Decision-Making Communities • Living Communities • Working Communities • Educational Communities **** | Core elements of Socialware

  1. Onboarding and education materials ****2) Chat and messaging platforms
  2. Social events and meetups(환대)
  3. Collaborative decision-making tools
  4. Reputation systems |



Evolutionary Paths
➊ Centrally Controlled Org. Centralized organizations and individuals privately misappropriate power, leading to widespread distrust of those in power. Facebook selling user data is just one example.
Autonomous Org.** Designed a decentralized organization to prevent the corruption of power —
Capture-Resistant Governacne
**➌ Trustware
(West**) Development of various governance/tools for private organizations to be as organized as central organizations.
➍ Socialware
(East) But organizations are not driven by mechanisms alone. We are seeing that incentive systems hasn’t worked properly. For exampl, That's why DAOs need a network of human connections.
➎ Dual-ware
(West+East) Introduce social ware to enable relationships within the organization without diluting individual freedom through relationships

Grant Scope

This project categorizes the systems that make up a DAO into two types.

**#1. Trustware: a resource allocation system that allows people to trust each other without a central authority.

#2. Socialware: a value creation system that enables people to build relationships and facilitate collaboration.**