DAOeast Research

1. 📝 EF Academic Grant ****Wishlist 2023

The blockchain ecosystem is generally focused on western historical contexts. What can we learn from historical parallels from outside the western tradition? We’d like work that explores what the blockchain ecosystem can learn from succesful political and technological movements in regions outside of North America and Europe.

2. 🧐 What is the Research about?

What we as Asian DAO contributors have been thinking for a long time is now finally on EF Grant wishlist. Now is the Time! Our team got the funding with the <DAOeast Movement> proposal. We will gather the voices and narratives of Asian DAO/DAO Contributors to find the missing puzzle for the DAO ecosystem!

Hypothesis/Questions to Answer (WIP)

3. 🏗️ What is the Expected Outcome?

Our research is divided into three parts:

1. Literature Review

2. Interview of Asian DAO Narratives

3. Proposing Asian-native DAO Handbook

4. ⚗️ Research In Public (RIP)